Stromka Centrum

Stromka Centrum

Dukelských hrdinů 909/50, Holešovice, Prague, Czech Republic

Stromka Centrum (“tree center”) is a multifunctional space around the corner from Prague’s very tree-filled Stromovka park, where people can buy a wide range of local and conscious products, participate in self development workshops and enjoy the welcoming environment with a quality cup of coffee. In addition to local, vegan and organic clothes, food products and essential oils, the shop is also unique for its selection of “barefoot” shoes. On offer are international brands Leguanito and Vivabarefoot, in both wild leather and vegan varieties, as well as Pathik shoes, 100% Czech-made barefoot shoes and Mexican-Indian inspired sandals created by Pathik and Ania, the co-owners of Stromka. Their cute vegan barefoot shoes for children in the traditional Czech kindergarten style are unique in being the only proper barefoot “shoe” for children in the world. The barefoot movement advocates shoes that are as close to not wearing shoes as possible, to promote a more natural walking style that is purportedly healthier for your feet, body and even mind.

“Our purpose is to make people feel better. Barefoot shoes connect you to the ground and our locally made clothes are colorful and flexible so you can feel comfortable. Shopping in our store is more like a party, where even producers are invited to join in — it’s a community way of shopping.” – Ania, co-owner of Stromka Centrum