Responsible consumption and development through the lens of a camera
What we eat affects us and our planet way more than meets the eye! Food is the foundation stone of our lives – not only nutritionally, but also socially: food is an important part of our reunions. We often go out for lunch or dinner when we meet with friends. But our plates hide so much more than you would have guessed! Festival AlimenTerre – The World on a Plate is greatly enjoyed in numerous countries for many years now. Every year it takes place in Belgium, France, Poland, or beyond the European continent in Togo and Benin. In the Czech Republic The World on a Plate is the only „food film festival“ which addresses the issues behind the global food system and which seeks to uncover the stories of our food. The projected movies capture various aspects of food production in the world and the diverse problems that occur across continents. They also expose the links between our daily food consumption and the situation in developing countries and offer possible solutions and inspirations on how to deal with these challenges.